Respuesta a la demanda, SmartGridsIn the framework of energy sustainability, one of the great challenges faced by energy market agents and users is the Demand Response (DR). This business model implements mechanisms of participation for users, in response to improving the reliability levels of the electrical system. The term Energy Demand Response consists in the increase or decrease of energy consumption by users, in such a way that they can respond to market demands in a flexible and consistent way to energy demand peaks, allowing grid stability and efficient use of infrastructure and energy resources. Demand response is a key factor in energy efficiency by allowing demand to become active and market involved.

The possibility that generators may be unavailable for maintenance, failure or other conditions that temporarily affect their power delivery obligations. Consumers may adjust their generating assets or may resort to energy savings in support of market scarcity. In this way, the Response to Demand ends up being a strategy that represents great benefits for the system users since by modulating consumption to respond to the market, they obtain previously agreed economic incentives. In addition to being an alternative that mitigates possible effects on the energy system such as service rationing in critical or shortage conditions.

Other potential benefits of DR include:

  • Maximize the use of electricity industry information systems
  • Promote the implementation of smart network-related technologies (AMI, IoT, autogeneration, data analytics)
  • Streamline the role of users in the industry through the decision-making process regarding energy consumption
  • Increased efficiency in the functionality of the electricity market
  • Allows consumers to achieve more efficient consumption and greater competitiveness in managing the electricity resource for their companies
  • Lower future generation requirements
  • Achieve compensation based on reliability payments for availability to reduce demand
  • Alleviates network congestion

Due to this need, Primestone has the PrimeDR solution, which meets a series of requirements for the control of energy consumption of customers, who have interruptible load contracts to guarantee that the contracted rates and agreements are met. This web application allows the contracted demand to be monitored in almost real time, to track loads that are eventually exceeded, and in this way manage the reduction in consumption.

We invite you to learn more about our solution by contacting the Sales Manager of your territory or email us at  marketing@primestone.