Know the benefits
- Have a single platform to read all your meters and store all readings in a single database.
- Be the first to know about errors and anomalies in the operation.
- Provide a friendly and intuitive web portal for internal users and end consumers.
- Convert millions of data into relevant information for each level in the organization.
- Easily integrate our information with your ERP, SAP, SCADA and GIS billing systems.
- VEE Validation, estimation and editing
- Interoperability
- audit log
- Alarms and notifications
- Analytics
- Aggregation
- event handling
- Traceability on the history of the meter (resume)
Prime energy suite (PES) is a multi-protocol, multi-network software suite for data management that
supports nearly 300 device models. PES adapts to the unique operational practices of each company by automating usual workflows through schedules, simplifying the collection and processing of device data, all while providing control for actions such as time synchronization, disconnection, reconnection, demand reset, and more.
We guarantee data quality and integrity through validations predefined in the solution. Users only configure the tolerance ranges to ensure data reliability.
From actions based on historical information, typical consumption curves, backup device readings, and information about generated energy, energy consumption can be estimated at a specific point of your system. Moreover, device readings can be modified and edited.
The data cube facilitates the query of information stored in the db through alters that allow setting search parameters to extract specific data, as needed. This allows making reliable decisions and analyzing online and historical device data.
Furthermore, the cube generates graphs with information on the variables stored in the db and exports them in divergent file formats.
We support reports that can be scheduled for automatic, periodic, and unattended generation and distribution in different file formats: PDF, HTML, txt, csv, rtf, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, and XML.
We support tou tariffs, and the creation of calendars based on seasons and day types to manage and distinguish user consumption profiles and demand control.
We keep the electronic document containing the technical characteristics of the elements of your metering system, verification reports, records of calibrations, maintenances, installed seals, and other elements and actions.
Our system provides the ability to import mass amounts of information provided by third-party systems and can export information stored in the db into different file formats.
The management of users and user roles allows granting specific permissions for the application actions and functionalities. It restricts the access control, deleting, and editing of data. In this way, a correlation exists between the user’s role in the operation and in the application to run tasks. Moreover, every user activity is logged with a timestamp for auditing purposes.
Our solution tracks the energy losses of your distribution,
transmission, or generation system, and quantiles them by nominal voltages. It supports other loss analysis and visualization activities, such as mapping your electrical system, calculating energy balances, and analyzing electrical structures in specific geographical areas.
The query portal keeps your customers informed about the consumption patterns of sockets, which encourages efficient energy use. We also promote your commitment to building strong, sustainable, and long-term relationships with your customers based on mutual responsibility.
We solve practically, and simply, the electrical calculations required by our customers’ operation. We calculate load profile through registers, typical consumption curve, and virtual variables.
Our solution online monitors the contracted demand of your customers to track exceeded loads and reduce consumption.
Alerts and alarms timely notify customers of detailed information on the occurrence of important events, as well as technical or electrical inconsistencies in your metering
Oficinas corporativas
Trilliant Company
401 Harrison Oaks Blvd Suite 300 Cary, NC 27513
Para contactarnos desde Estados Unidos o Canadá, verifique lo siguiente:
Información general, ventas y soporte técnico (+57) (322) 945-3932
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Equipo de apoyo
Soluciones confiables de red inteligente y ciudad inteligente diseñadas para una flexibilidad y alta confiabilidad, conectadas por la única red de tecnología independiente del dispositivo disponible en la actualidad. Con más de 18 años de experiencia, Trilliant está para apoyarlo en cada etapa de su viaje tecnológico, asegurando los mejores resultados posibles.
Nuestras Políticas
NIT 800111946-0
Av 7 no. 156-68, North Point III – 4to Piso
Bogotá, Colombia 110131
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