On May 23rd and 24th PrimeStone attended the EDA Upper Canada District Metering Technologies Conference, continuing conversations with Canadian Electric Utilities about how PrimeStone software is a proven solution to support suite metering in Canada.  In fact, PrimeStone has deployed the meter data collection & analysis application at 5 of the largest utilities in the Ontario Province and reads hundreds of thousands of suite meters today.  With the continued consolidation of LDCs, PrimeStone software is well positioned to help utilities with different meter manufacturer models utilize one platform to read and manage all their meter data.  In fact, the Prime Energy Suite is capable of reading over 300 different meter manufacturer models.

For over 10 years, PrimeStone has provided Canadian Electric Utilities effective software solutions that solve specific problems or needs around meter data collection & analysis for suite metering as well as large C&I meters, outage monitoring and detection especially for complex C&I meters not addressed by AMI, demand response, technical and non-technical energy loss detection, and analytics dashboards.